Conditions of use
The use of this web site is worth acceptance of the conditions mentioned below. EE Controls saves himself the possibility of committing(hiring) legal proceedings in case of violation of these conditions of use, in particular in case of failure to respect and of unauthorized use of names and emblems EE Controls or in case of violation of the rights bound(connected) to the information, to the graphics(handwriting), to the texts, the videos, the audio documents, the photos and the images and more generally to the whole contents of the site.
In application of the intellectual property and more generally the treaties and international agreements containing capacities(measures) relative to the protection of copyright, it is forbidden for a use(custom) other than deprived or educational to reproduce, to sell, to spread(broadcast), to modify, to publish entirely or partially, in any form whatsoever the data, the presentation(display) or the organization of the site as well as the works protected by the copyright which appear there, without particular and preliminary written authorization, whose demand(request) must be sent to the webmaster
Links & Cookies
The on-line department heads who create links towards the present site have to inform the webmaster about it. This web site can contain links towards other sites which are not under permanent control. These links are considered as useful and being able to enrich the present information on the site. EE Controls puts on(assumes) no responsibility relative to these sites, in particular as regards the accuracy or the reliability of the information, the data and the opinions which appear there.
Protection of personal data
You are brought ( e ) to communicate personal information in particular during the use of the form of contact. The information which you pass on(transmit) is for exclusive use(custom) EE Controls and will be passed on(transmitted) on no account in thirds(third parties). Every user having communicated the directly or indirectly name specific information, can ask for the communication of this information to the administrator(director) of the service(department) and make them rectify where necessary, according, 1978 relative to the computing, to the files and to the liberties. To exercise this right(law), address the webmaster. We inform you that the confidentiality of the correspondences passed on(transmitted) by the Internet network is not guaranteed.
Release from responsibility
EE Controls follows the necessary procedures to assure(insure) the reliability of the information contained in this site. However, she cannot incur any responsibility because of errors, of omissions or of the results(profits) which could be obtained following the use(custom) of the spread(broadcasted) information. EE Controls is kept only in a best effort undertaking concerning the information put at the disposal on the site. Also, she(it) is responsible on no account for the infection by viruses or for any other IT problem
EE Controls
3881 Danbury Road
Brewster, NY 10509
Telephone - (845) 278-5777
Fax - (845) 278-5444
Director Marketing, Manager publication and Webmaster :
Mr. Bruce Beutler
Technical realization
Cédric Conte
ZI Nord des richardets
34 Allée du Closeau
93160 Noisy Le Grand
Tel : +33 (0)1 43 03 03 03
Email :
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